Derby Road
For Sale
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Derby Road. Iconic and Historic Dark Harbor Village Prime Real Estate. Two lots, two buildings in the heart of summer community and activity. Peg's Giftshop with 1,700 sq ft of retail space and 2,800 sq ft of living space upstairs, even a harbor view from the widow's walk and the former Blue Heron Restaurant with 3,000 sq ft retail or residential space up or down. Restaurant will need significant improvement. $975,000.
Derby Road. Iconic and Historic Dark Harbor Village Prime Real Estate. Two lots, two buildings in the heart of summer community and activity. Peg's Giftshop with 1,700 sq ft of retail space and 2,800 sq ft of living space upstairs, even a harbor view from the widow's walk and the former Blue Heron Restaurant with 3,000 sq ft retail or residential space up or down. Restaurant will need significant improvement. $975,000.